found space is a project that focuses on hijacking unoccupied space for the creation of anomalous experiments. established to focus primarily as an extension of found object, found space refers to forgotten rooms that are converted into works through time and labor spent in the physical space. objects and labor being converted to relics and rituals.
through extensive and careful documentation, the time aspect of the works are made clear. the story of the transfer of context happens through the video, photo, and 3D scans of the room and the progress of whatever the concept is for the particular room.
in this particular instance [FS.001] the room was an abandoned schoolhouse bathroom. the goal was to restore the bathroom by cleaning the tiles, clearing the debris and repainting the walls. this was done also to see the lasting effects of architectural aging processes. this room was restored so it will age at a different rate than the rest of the building, creating a separate tumor that feels detached from the rest of the schoolhouse.
objects from the project were relocated, documented, and archived. this included a bathroom stall divider, and a linear strip of floor, wall, and ceiling extracted from the room and remade to the exact dimensions of the particular space
over the course of a month, the foundations of the found space project were installed. this is the first realization and experiment in this transdisciplinary research, performance, and documentation project. it is a traveling project, not tied down to any one location